Musicnmyhead's Blog

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(some) Dreams Do Come True

Wednesday one of my biggest “I wish I could” moments happened.  I was in Chicago, at Harpo Studios, watching a live taping of the Oprah Winfrey Show.  Most people who know me, know I am a HUGE fan of Oprah, and all things Oprah.  Last year, my wife tried to get us tickets, but had no luck.  This year, they changed the way you can get tickets.  Now, you can go online (for a short period of time) and submit your name and information to the block of shows that will be taping.  So, my friend, my wife and I, all submitted our information.  I wasn’t selected.  My friend wasn’t selected.  My wife WAS selected and got a ticket for her and 3 friends.  I won’t even go into how hard it was to select 3 friends, and how some of our friends had attitudes because they couldn’t go.

We left Tuesday afternoon around 2:45 p.m.  I drove my wife, one of my sorority sisters, and one of my MUSE sisters the whole 5 hours without stopping.  I must have been really excited about going to Chicago!  When we arrived, we checked into our hotel and hit the streets (on foot) to enjoy Giordano’s, Chicago’s famous stuffed pizza.  It was delicious and we were all stuffed! 

That night, we said we were all going to bed early, and we tried.  The lights were out by 10:30.  Every time my wife turned over, I realized I was awake (or she woke me up).  Every time she moved, I thought ‘Shouldn’t it be time to get up?  We aren’t oversleeping are we?’  Eventually I hear my wife get up, and I know it’s time to be productive- finally.  Once everyone is up, I discover, I wasn’t the only one feeling like the night was dragging on.  I guess we were all anxious!

After we were all dressed and looking good, we headed to Starbucks.  After Starbucks, we headed to the studio.  There was a line, but luckily it wasn’t outside.  We got in line.  Let me just say, the whole process was extremely efficient.  Waited in line a while.  Gave our i.d. at the desk and checked in.  Checked our coats, and then it was time for security.  We walked through the detectors.  After that, they check your purse- and I do mean check.  They take everything out, and basically keep everything electronic (i.e. cell phone, camera, iPod, etc.).  After that, we head upstairs to the holding area.  All the workers are really nice, smiling and greetings us with good morning.  The waiting room was nicely decorated, filled with pictures of Oprah and her guest and a few t.v.’s with clips of unforgettable Oprah show moments. 

At this point, I still can’t believe I am actually at the Oprah show.  When my wife told me she had gotten tickets, she said I didn’t seem very excited, and she was probably right because I just couldn’t believe it.  Now, here I was in Harpo Studios!

Fast-forward……We all have release forms that we are suppose to read and sign.  I think, why would I bother to read and sign this?  If this form said the only way you can get into the show is by giving up your first born child- I’d still sign it!  On top of the paper is a number, and that’s what used to call folks into the studio.  I think I was 151 or something like that.  Our numbers are called and we are on our way into the studio! 

The studio is smaller than I think it will be.  There are only two levels.  The first one and one a few steps up.  It’s intimate and no seat is a bad one.  Some workers come out and talk to us and get us hype and excited.  Then we wait.  As we are waiting and chatting and making friends with the sweet older women in front of us- it happens.  She walks out.  It’s Oprah!  I scream!  (A bad scream that scratches my throat.  I should be a better screamer; I was a cheerleader for over half my life!)  I wasn’t expecting to see her right then.  There was no announcement, no drum roll, no dimming of the lights- she just walked out.  She came out in a green shirt and tan pants with her glasses on.  She informed us that something was wrong with her eye, but it only hurt when her eye was open.  She said she’d be leaving to see the eye doctor as soon as the show was over.  She was very down to earth.  She chatted with us during the commercials.  My favorite line is when she is telling us about being in Maui with her dogs.  She says “dogs love to roll around in cow shit”.  I thought, ‘oh goodness, Oprah cusses’!  Lol! 

The show we are there for is Marriages Around the World.  I won’t go into the details (you can check out if you are really interested), but I will say the conversations were interesting.  During different parts of the show, I had to remind myself that I was actually in the studio, and not at home watching on t.v.  Surreal.  Everything was so laid back and casual.  And then the show was over.  Although she said she’d be leaving right after, she did the after the show (which is online) and then she stayed and continued the conversation after that.  Eventually she said bye so she could get to the doctor.

After we gathered all of our checked stuff, we headed to the Oprah store.  Very nice!  I bought a sweatshirt, keychain and coffee mug for myself, and coffee mugs, shirt and baby booties for friends!  I also bought, wrote, and sent (they have a cute little mailbox in the store) a postcard to my dad, thanking him for the Christmas money I spent in the Oprah store.

So to wrap it up, we hit the road, stopped for lunch and headed back to Cincinnati.  Once I came down to my Oprah high, Thursday was a long sleepy day at work.  Thursday after work, after getting the scoop from friends, I watched my 5 seconds of fame on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

This is an experience I will never forget.  I appreciate the friends who shared the experience with me.  I appreciate and love my wife for working so hard to make my dream come true.  I know how much it meant to her, and I feel blessed to be married to someone who enjoys making my dreams come true!

January 16, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , | 3 Comments